Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Getting ready

Good evening! I'\m back and ask forgiveness for not posting. The reality is that we are in a holding pattern until the surgery on November 2. Until then, there is no good, juicy baseball news....except....

The guys from Seattle contacted the Big kid. It seems that the Czar and Psycho contacted them for more information about their program. if you are a regular reader, you know that to do these exercises and programs are taboo. The guys could be cut from the team....Yet......

Over the summer, one of the frosh, now sophomores contacted the big lefty to ask for advice. He sent films to him and wanted to work out using his techniques. Being a softie, the big guy gave it to him. Then he analyzed the sophs films and sent him advice. During fall ball, this kid hit 95 consistently.

When asked by the coaches what he had done over the summer, he told him that he followed this program. Figuring that he would be cut, the coaches contacted Seattle for more information. Remember, my son was not allowed to mention other protocols for fear of reprisals. Times have changed a bit, eh?

Anyway, the lefty is in a good place. He is ready for surgery and has a job at a baseball and fitness center when he recovers until he heads back out west. All things plus the stars and moon have aligned as he is ready to go.

Hopefully, I will be able to post more before the surgery. Unfortunately, work has been crazy. With the online format, I have doubled my work. In other words, my face is always looking at a screen....except today, when I took the afternoon off to take the pups to the vet. They are healthy and a good weight. They got their shots and after their appointment, Tink and I took them to Petsmart for bones and toys. Yes, I know, they are dogs, but they received two shots in the rear they got a cute toy for their troubles.

Ok, I have to go online to read my students' posts and grade some quizzes.....


I could go to bed and watch television.....


Saturday, October 10, 2015

Primordial scream

Greetings! Yes, it has been a while since I posted, but I have lots of excuses beginning and ending with that crazy four letter word...W-O-R-K.

Yep, I have lots of excuses...let's start at the beginning......

Last Thursday, I was told at 2 pm that my class that begins on Tuesday night would be completely offered online.
Image result for work piling up gif

That's right. I was prepared for weeks to step into the classroom and begin and end as I do every time I teach this course....with my Fitbit on trying to hit 10,000 steps by the end of the four hour class. Administration made the last minute decision to teach it in the virtual world.

How does this work? Well, anything that I would have done in the classroom must suddenly be uploaded online, which means my lectures and explanations of concepts, assignments, and the virtual world.

This decision created a panic and an emergency as I worked for 5 days to create and upload videos for the class. Here is where my patience was tested over and over and over and over and over again.....

As I recorded the class, I hit the red 'record' button. Once finished with 15 to 20 minute sessions, I would hit 'save'. Looking to upload it onto the virtual classroom site, I would search all my files for the recorded sessions. Not finding the recordings, I would record again and again and again and again......I finally got in touch with IT. My little friend helped me and suggested I needed an 'add-in'.

OK, where do I get an add-in? Well, BPM.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......

And so, I finally downloaded the add-in.....all is well, right?

Not in my world.....

Six more recording sessions later, I was throwing things...cussin'.....ready to jump out of my second floor window. It was not pretty.

I walked away and the next day, I started again.

Picture this....the recording would have my video in the corner with my presentation on most of the screen. During the last recording, there was no video, so I assumed the student would hear my voice and not see my face. I was cool with that.
So, as the recording continued, I took off the scarf I had around my neck which hid my tee shirt that I got for the tennis sectionals and drank a glass of wine to keep my nerves from getting the best of me.

Afterwards, I re wound the video and listened....something wonderful and horrifying happened....

The recording finally took and was saved on my hard drive...this was amazing! After 5 days, I finally have 1 recording....

Now the horror.....the video did turn out as I scratched my nose, removed my scarf to reveal the tee shirt, messy hair since I had not brushed it, dirty glasses, and the wine glass in my hand. Yikes!
Image result for messy computer girl gif

I had a fast decision to I re-record the orientation or leave it as is?

I left it and the rest is history. My online students now see the real me...tee shirt wearing....messy hair lovin' drinking instructor who was at the end of her rope.

I was able to show the video at an orientation on Thursday night. The students laughed and all is well. However, my angst and lack of IT savvy is going to be an ongoing challenge where I will be doing a primordial scream on a weekly basis as I try to teach this class.
Image result for messy computer girl gif

On to the big lefty...yes, life is a challenge having him at home with his mess and lack of responsibility when  it comes to putting away his clothes, shoes, dishes, and gear. Oh well, I love him more than I hate the mess.

However, we finally have a diagnosis and plan of action.

As you may recall, he had a MRI and was referred to a well known surgeon in the region....not a Michael Jordan, but someone who was pretty good like Scotty Pippin.
Image result for scottie pippen

Anyway, he is diagnosed with a hip impingement and labral tear needing surgery. He will be on crutches for 6 weeks and not able to throw for three-four months. He has to have the surgery to have any quality of life. It seems that he has a genetic defect.....I told him that my side of the family has great hips....fully aligned and ready to run or stand in line for hours waiting to see the Pope. We must blame this defect on his father. Done!

The surgery is scheduled for early November and this will offer a logistics challenge as he will have to go to PT and have doctors' appointments and not be able to drive. I guess converting my classes to online will offer me flexibility to put my chauffeur's hat on like the old days when I drove him to preschool, baseball, basketball, parties, school, football,......singing off key to any Mowtown song on the radio....

Hey, he will be dancing before we know it....

More later....thanks for hanging in there with me....
