Huh? A month? I missed four great days of weather....Lil A's soccer game, working out...watching football games, running errands and so on...and I could have had a month's extension if I had asked a few days earlier....which has me a bit bugged. Had I known that there was some wiggle room on the deadline, I would not have tortured Tink and Dad over the weekend. They were the ultimate victims of my frenzy...."Bug off....can't you see that I am working...YOU ARE TALKING!....don't you have anyone else to talk to?" Actually, I was not that verbally rude, but trust me, the patience was thin....very thin....They were innocent of all charges.
I should have just left the house and gone to the office and shut the door and turned on the coffee pot, but NO, I stayed home and the fall out from the nuclear attack settled on them. worries, I will make them some cupcakes and all will be forgiven.
And so, as Tink and dad slowly reenter my life....the big kid has called on a number of occasions as we succinctly chatted about baseball and school. Since I am headed into class in 20 minutes, I'll be succint too....
~Over the weekend, they had their first scrimmage. He was on the mound with the coach standing behind him...comfy, eh? Anyway, he called and said: "I have bad news and good news. What do you want to hear first?" pick...."OK, I walked 4 in two innings, struck out one, and gave up two earned runs."
Is that the good news or bad news? "The bad news..."
OK, shoot...the good news is.....
"I hit 90 mph"
That is when I completely and unashamedly lost it. As he was describing what had happened, I began to heave and sob, although, he thought that I was having an allergy attack. He did it! He hit 90! That has been his goal from when he was a baby and in tee ball. No, as a five year old, he did not say: "Mom, some day I am going to throw 90 miles an hour, now hand me a juice box..." No, it has been a career goal ever since he learned to throw a baseball. And with all of the hard work, sacrifice and dedication, he did it....and I cried....So many ups and downs...mono...Lyme disease....poor coaching...doubts....soul searching....fears and
On to the next....After the game, he had to run the stadium four times (once for each walk). The coach said to him: "you have what it takes to be the best pitcher in baseball." Again, I cried....
The next time that he was on the mound, he missed the signal for a fast ball and threw a curve to Big Red. The coached screamed at him, called him a moron, and said:"Go will either be the best pitcher in baseball or the best choose...."
The kid is trying...really trying, and proving himself to be coach able. So the new coaches like that...although the pitching coach has a thing for running if a guy screws up. If it was me, I would have collapsed and died on the warning track. Fortunately, the big kid is in big time shape.
So now what? Well, he called yesterday..."Mom, pray for me." Yes, hunny....I always pray for you, Tink, dad, Bullpen grandmom, grandpop, lil A, for world end hunger...the family...friends....the Pope...."
"MOM! On Thursday, the major league scouts are going to be in the stadium to watch me. I gotta hit 90 again! I need you to pray for me!"
Oh, that kind of shall I approach it? "With all due respect, Lord, you know that my son has wanted to be a major league pitcher. I also know that there are big problems in the world, like hunger, nuclear threats, genocide, and so on. But, if you could clear you calendar on Thursday for a moment, please help the big kid to hit 90 at least twice, preferably, 5 or 6 times. Thank you, God...I love you."
How is that? In all seriousness, I do pray as much as I can and he is in my prayers. but I am really not sure that I should pray for a 90 mph fast ball. Although, why not? If he can do something positive with these skills, then he will need to hit 90 to make a major league difference in perhaps the lives of kids, fans, teams, and players. After all, he is a good guy and God will use him in unique circumstances to do good.
And so, my dear readers...on Thursday, could you utter a simple prayer for the big kid who has big dreams? He knows that he cannot do it alone and will need some spiritual help to keep him calm and focused on his goal. The Lord will not be throwing the fast ball, but he can keep him grounded and focused on his target.
By the way, if you are chatting with God for the big kid, please keep Big Sis's husband, Big M in your prayers. He is in the hospital having a number of tests. Tomorrow, hopefully, when things settle, I will share the story with you.
Thanks a bunch!
OK, gotta go to class now.....
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