After posting yesterday's blog, I stood up from the sofa and started to dry heave as if I was going to vomit. Was my post that bad? Nah.....maybe it was the egg whites that I had for breakfast? I wasn't sure but I had to run....literally and finish the errands.....
So, I grabbed an empty plastic Macy's bag, put on my sweats, and pointed the car east to Dr G's house. After dropping off gifts and picking up a frozen turkey to roast for tomorrow's dinner (Memo: Turkey is an ice cube. It will not defrost in time. Go to back up Plan B and have a holiday ham), I pointed the car north to put gas in it. All I had in my pocket was enough money for the trophies (oh yeah, another story) and a gift for dad. So, I put $10.00 of gas into the tank so that I could get to my next destination to finish a project that was needed for tomorrow.
What was that project? Well, every Christmas, I make a holiday calendar for family members with photos of the previous year. It takes about 5 hours to craft, print, and bind (about the time that it took me to get through the Hollister line on Saturday). The binding machine is at work, so off I go to work to finish the calendars. Guess what? I needed my Macy's plastic bag at that point. It was a good call that I brought it.
As I finished gagging and binding the calendars, a friend walked in and shared that people are dropping from this stomach virus....nice...
Ok, I have the Macy's bag, grab the calendars and point the car south. I have enough gas in my tank and stomach to make it to Delaware. Sadly, the traffic was outrageous and I was going to finish these errands by Christmas 2014.
Once I arrived in the little state of Delaware, I drove passed the biggest liquor store and caved in....I turned right and could barely find a parking spot. With my trusty, disgusting Macy's bag, I found a case of beer for dad and yule tide cheer for me.....some day, I will crack it and drink it. I doubt if it will be soon....
Turning the car west, I finally got to Mr Trophy and picked up the trophies. I know that I did not explain how I was able to score these trophies yesterday, but let's once again call it a Christmas miracle. Yes, Lil A, there is a Santa Claus.....
As I counted my change since I was out of cash, the lady wished me a happy holiday and I turned the car north toward my home....but first, I stopped at the spa...the eye brows needed some work and if I died of this virus, the eyebrows would look decent.
Finally....homeward Macy's bag....frozen solid turkey....bound calendar....fumes of gas left in the gas tank and finally home. Diva and I went right to bed and passed out.
And so you have it.....the day before the night before Christmas....and all through the one was moving except to vomit into the trash can.....Merry Christmas to all.....
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