I am getting emails asking me to join spring and summer tennis teams. This is nice....however, I now have to hit the gym and PT even harder to get ready. The spring looms ahead and I don't want to sit on the bench and grab the "Golden Splinter Award" as the person who never plays but is nice to have around to bring snacks.
The big kid left yesterday for perhaps his final semester and graduation. Interestingly, the house of mold had a big problem over the break. It seems that the California guy who replaced Buddy turned the heat off before he left. The house got so cold that the pipes burst. With no one around to see this, the house flooded and is uninhabitable. Problem: My son's name is still on the lease AND therefore, so is mine. This means that I could be liable for damages. Nice....I recall numerous conversations and requests this summer to get our name off the lease especially since he was not going to be living there and monitoring the damage. Now there is structural damage...not just damage...chaos...more mold, mildew, need new appliances, renovation, porch, bathroom, and so on. I am sure that the landlord has insurance BUT really....I asked....and asked....and asked....pleaded....begged.....cajoled....threatened.....GET MY NAME OFF THAT LEASE.....Then I was ignored and now....boom. Need I say anything more? Nope.
Now that he is gone, I went through the his room to pick up remnants of his stay....bottle caps.....trash...Christmas gifts....socks...books....and so on. I asked him why he was so messy and his response was simple: "Because if I am ever kidnapped, you can follow the trail and rescue me." Kidnapped indeed.....
As I started to throw out the receipts left over from 2012, I found a letter that he wrote to me over the holiday. Was I snooping? Nope....I was throwing out obvious trash when I saw a loose leaf handwritten document on his desk that said "dear mom" on it. Knowing that he has only one mother, I figured that it was for me and that (like the lease in the old house) forgot to give it to me.
It was a wonderful letter thanking me for all the help and support. I actually cried when I read it. It was a sweet note and still makes me smile.
And so, the plans for the final semester begin....work outs....good nutrition....keeping a journal....following methods to improve memory and concentration. I will be there, as usual, in the stands waiting for the big guy to come out of the bullpen. Although, he swears that he is going to start the games on the weekends. So, I may have to change the name of the blog from Bullpen mom to Dugout Mom. Who knows.....stay tuned.
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