This Christmas was quite special as we gathered together and enjoyed each others' company. With the new (and naughty) pups, we spent some time together just hanging out with extended family and friends. Last night, we went to Dr. G's house for Christmas celebration and were witness to lots of little miracles....such as....
Big M is still going strong. Given a devastating cancer diagnosis, he has battled like no one I have ever seen. As he continues to battle, we are blessed to have him in our lives. Big M is the epitome of what it means to be a survivor. He never gave up and continues to impress us with his grit and determination....He is truly a strong man. On Tuesday night, he was honored at his college alma mater during half time for his volunteerism and demonstration of loyalty. He was given the game ball. he is my hero....
Another miracle was that BP Grandpop continues to defy the odds and is on his feet again...well, sort of. he is using a walker but has not let his healing hip stop him from accomplishing his goals and attending dinners and parties. After all, he is the party.....
The next miracle is BP Grandmom. She also defies the odds as she cares for and encourages Pop. I got to say, I am not sure that I would be on the sofa every night as she sleeps by dad's bed. She is a class act and never complains. No miracle there....just a woman who serves silently and sees the joy in each moment.
Another miracle that I am part of is that I have NOT looked at my work email for over a week. That's right. I can't. Won't. Refuse. Need to slow down and let the anxiety of work be carried away with the December winds.
And so, we are preparing to take the dogs south for a week. Why? Who knows. But if it works out without me jumping out of the plane without a parachute, then I will have witnessed yet another mirracle.
And with that....
I got to run.....Peace!
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