Saturday, January 14, 2017

Movin on...first weigh in

Mornin'....Yesterday the rubber hit the road, when we had to be weighed in to earn a point for our team, "25% off" (name selected by moi). Tink was down one half pound in 4 days, whereas I dropped a whopping 0.2 pounds. I actually smiled that I dropped anything since my diet this week consisted of sneaking the leftover pizzelles. Yes, I hid my consumption from Tink who is watching me like a hawk. She is headed back to work next week, so I have some breathing room. However, we are now out of pizzelles. The trainer at the gym said "Keep up the good work, in a month, you will have lost a whole pound." Message received.

On to the big kid, he has received an invitation for an interview for a law school in North Carolina. They want him to visit campus this week. Since the drive is 8 hours in length, I do not want him to do it alone.
Yes, once a momma...always a momma, even when your baby has graduated college and is applying to law school.
Sooooo, we are leaving late Tuesday afternoon for a 10:30 interview on Wednesday, then coming back home. I am taking my car since it has XM radio and heated seats (which are essential for when the right leg begins to numb from driving without stopping).

When I drive long distance, I actually prefer to have Tink with me. She opens my chapstick for me, keeps me entertained, and has a supply of Skittles or Swedish fish when I need a quick sugar high. Since I am now a biggest loser, I need her more than ever since the big kid will sleep the 8 hours that we are on the road. I guess I will have to keep my chapstick and granola bar next to me since I doubt if the big guy is going to help me out. Yes, he will drive, but he has a tendency do I say this delicately.?......speed, get miffed at the driver in the other lane, and turn off my radio stations. Unacceptable. I keep to keys and the driver's seat to maintain my sanity. Keep your fingers crossed, while he is in his interview, I have to find a Starbucks, grab their WIFI, and let you know how it goes. By the way, Panera also has free WIFI and its coffee is cheaper.

And so, that's about it for now. I have a mountain of work that keeps piling up since I am not doing it. Yet, it is my own fault, since I am choosing other activities besides completing my work which is a disadvantage of working at home. Another disadvantage is having a fridge and pantry full of food that I like. Why? Well, since I do the shopping, I select healthy and BPM favorites such a Pepperidge Farm goldfish, Greek yogurt, granola bars and clementines.
Eating one a day is considered healthy. However, eating all of them before noon is not. And so, it is time for me to think and work...think some more....more some more......


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