Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Movin on...a snow day!

Good morning! it's a snow day and I could not be happier. This means that we are all in one place at one time. Although.....

Dad tried to sneak out and go to the office this morning. I thought that he was nuts...but this is what he is all about. And so....what happened? Wellll....he never made it two feet out of the garage when he got stuck. Yep, he did not make it out of the garage and had to push the car back into place. Then he grumbled something about Mother Nature having a meltdown and sauntered into his home office for the rest of the day....Image result for mother nature+hold my beer

This is sort of good news. As I was performing my morning ritual...you know...coffee....Special K...reading the online feeds....getting my head ready for the day, he walked out of the office and looked at me sitting on the sofa. "What are you making for lunch?" Mind you, it is 7:55 am.
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His next question was "What about an afternoon snack?" Is he kidding me? perhaps....

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The last question before I almost threw my tablet at him was "What's for dinner?"

My morning ritual was completely disrupted, I was feeling a bit cranky and knew that this snow day was not going to be as peaceful as I had originally planned, especially if he comes looking for me as I work in my office. For those of you who have to go into a zen place in the morning, you know what I mean.

I saw a funny post on one of the feeds that folks in the northeast may appreciate:
Image result for mother nature+hold my beer
Back to my snow day. This could be the best day of the week...if....we keep power. You know...electricity...yes and internet.....

There are several things that I could accomplish if I have the tools....laundry....work....writing....cleaning out a closet or three....and bake.Image result for clean room gif

The first few are typical of my day but the cleaning out the closets is becoming necessary as my adult children continue to live in the childhood bedrooms. It's OK, I love having them here until they are ready to leave BUT they are a mess.

When I say "mess", I mean dorm room messy. Not girl dorm room messy with shoes and clothes on the floor, I mean guy messy.
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What do I mean by "guy messy"? Use your imagination... Answer the following questions:Image result for clean room gif

If and when you were in college....

After finishing a beer or Red Bull, you would:
A. crumple the can and drop it in the recycle container
B. Rinse it out and drop it in the recycle container
C.Gently place it on the counter, then drop it in the recycle container.
D. Drop it on the floor and walk around it for 5 weeks.

If you answered "D", you are living in my home.

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Next question:

How many half drunk water bottles do you need on your bedside table?
A. One
B. None. I use a glass and  not bottled water
C. Twelve
D. Eleven plus the ice cream cone wrappers to cover the entire table

If you answered C or D, you are living in my home.
Image result for clean room gif

The last question....

How many tee shirts do you need:

A. Seven; one for each day of the week.
B. Fourteen: Two a day if I am exercising
C. None.
D. 90: crumbled on the floor jammed into the closet

If you answered "D", welcome home, honey! Where have you been?

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Yep, that is my home. Most of it is pristine (I am allergic to dust) and the rest is hidden behind the secret doors where Tink and the Big leftie hide.

And so...fortified with coffee and determined to make a dent in the dust, dirt, crumpled shirts, underwear, and socks that are hidden under beds and in closets, I will hand a garbage bag to each resident and ask them to fill them up.

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Will I succeed?

Nah....they will look at me, grab the bag and drop it on the floor with the promise that "I'll get to it..."

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Yep, I guess I will get to my work now....stay warm and safe out there.


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