Monday, July 8, 2013

Just a little heart attack

Hope that you had a great holiday weekend! I most certainly did. I have sworn off eating forever....beginning tonight....

Yesterday, I saw The Heat with Wildcat at the movies. I liked it, although the language was quite salty. Were we on a baseball field? Just askin'....

What did the big kid do all weekend? Well, the hands on workouts were finished on Thursday afternoon. So, he took the opportunity to work out at the ranch on his own for the past three days. This is an extraordinary venture. I could not get him to read books for 15 years except for Curious George (a manly monkey....) but he will work out with pulleys, weights, and kettle bells for hours upon hours....which once again leads me to the musing of what it takes to make it.....

If you read the book "Outliers", you know how many hours it takes to become proficient at  any skill or profession. There are at least 10,000 hours involved. With that said, this guy must be on his second set of 10,000.....It's is a work ethic that I do not have. He wants this so much that he will spend hours upon hours beating up his body until he is drained off all hydration. He gets up and does it again.
If he takes this work this work ethic with him with all endeavors, he will be successful at whatever he attempts. Once again...I don't have it. I would not have gotten out of bed at 5 am on Christmas Eve to throw balls in 30 degree temperature in the dark with the car's headlights illuminating the field. Nope....I stayed in bed and considered calling a shrink on him.

But this is the way he is built when it comes to his passion....everything else....wellllll....

For example, he still has not gotten the new tenant at his old moldy house to sign the lease and send in his deposit. This means that I will have to pay 2 rents for him as of August 1. The countdown has begun. Dad is furious and I have a sick feeling in my stomach. According to the big (now laid back) leftie: "Ma, he's from California. They are really laid back there." Nice, laid back. Cool.....dreamy.....well, this is the northeast and we are not laid back and relaxed. As a matter of fact, at any moment, I will have a heart attack if I pay for two rents and my own mortgage. Just sayin'....get the oxygen, nitroglycerin, and paddles ready for August 1.

All is not completely lost....if this California kid does not come through with the rent and down payment, then Buddy will return to his house of mold and we will take back our deposit on his new apartment. That's it. No ands, ifs, or buts....this plan has been in action since last November. Why do these kids wait until the 25th hour? Oh, I torture me. That's the plan....torture BP mom until she hits rock bottom and has to remove the sofa cushions to find loose change to buy a coffee.

OK, I gotta run. I took too much time off and have a boatload of papers to grade! Adios!

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